Cooking Archives - Greg.Randall Mon, 08 Feb 2021 19:40:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cooking Archives - Greg.Randall 32 32 Single Corn Muffin Tue, 15 Oct 2019 16:01:07 +0000 I took the cornmeal and made a single corn muffin. I only had 32g of cornmeal, so I made a spreadsheet to convert a full cornbread recipe to use all 32g. I’m pretty pleased with the result — good flavor & good color. Hopefully next year we’ll have enough corn to make more than one […]

The post Single Corn Muffin appeared first on Greg.Randall.

I took the cornmeal and made a single corn muffin. I only had 32g of cornmeal, so I made a spreadsheet to convert a full cornbread recipe to use all 32g.

I’m pretty pleased with the result — good flavor & good color. Hopefully next year we’ll have enough corn to make more than one muffin.

The post Single Corn Muffin appeared first on Greg.Randall.

Scratch Made Pizza Mon, 23 Sep 2019 19:01:31 +0000 I really like cooking pizza at home. If you get everything figured out it’s pretty hard to beat. My recipe is pulled from the Ratio Cookbook. Weight in Grams Ingredient 567 All Purpose Flour – King Arthur 11 Salt 3 Instant Yeast – Saf Instant Red 25 Olive Oil – California Olive Ranch 330 Water […]

The post Scratch Made Pizza appeared first on Greg.Randall.

I really like cooking pizza at home. If you get everything figured out it’s pretty hard to beat. My recipe is pulled from the Ratio Cookbook.

Weight in GramsIngredient
567All Purpose Flour – King Arthur
3Instant Yeast – Saf Instant Red
25Olive Oil – California Olive Ranch
mixing bowl, cookbook and kitchen aid

I start off by putting my Kitchen Aid Mixer bowl on a scale and zeroing the scale. I add the flour, salt, yeast, and olive oil. I put the mixing bowl back on the Kitchen Aid and mix at a low speed for a minute to combine the ingredients while I weigh the water.

Depending on how humid it is the dough might need a bit more or less water. I typically add about 80% of the water and let the Kitchen Aid mix for a couple of minutes. If there are dry bits of flour at the bottom of the mixing bowl, I add a bit of the remaining water. I will repeat this process until all of the flour comes together into a single ball.

ball of dough on scale. scale reads 920gr

I let the dough knead in the Kitchen Aid for about 10 minutes, then I pull the dough ball out and put it on the scale. I normally get a ball of dough about 920 grams. While the dough is out of the mixing bowl, put a glug of olive oil in the mixing bowl and smear the inside of the bowl with oil.

I then put the dough back in the bowl, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let rise for an hour. I then split the dough into three 306gr balls, each ball goes into an oiled container (tupperware, ziplock bag, bowl with plastic wrap, etc.) and put into the fridge for a 24 hour cold rise.

The cold rise contributes a lot to the flavor of the dough, and also letting the dough rest for 24 hours makes forming the pizza really really easy.

An hour or two before I plan to make pizza I preheat my oven to it’s hottest temp 550F (300C). It takes a long time for a pizza stone to heat up to it’s full temperature.

I sprinkle a pizza peel generously with semolina, and very gently remove the pizza dough from it’s container, and let it stretch a little with gravity. Once it’s maybe 6″ (15cm) across it goes on the peel. I then stretch the pizza to about 10″ (25cm) by gently lifting the edges and pulling outwards.

Once the pizza is the correct size, I will shake the peel a couple of times to make sure the pizza slides around easily. If it doesn’t slide easily I’ll add a bit more semolina to the peel.

raw pizza on peel

My go to topping for pizza is homemade tomato sauce (which at some point I’ll write a post about), but any kind of tomato sauce that’s reasonably thick will work. Then I add chunks of the cheapest store brand mozzarella (it melts beautifully). Then I sprinkle a good amount of finely grated Pecorino Romano for favor. Finally some kind of cured meat gets added on top — I like prosciutto a lot, but any kind of salami is good. If you have fresh basil add some.

pizza in oven on pizza stone

The pizza is then slid onto the pizza stone, and cooked for about 7 minutes. Peek through the door every couple minutes to see if the crust is browning. I like to pull the pizza out when some of the crust has a golden brown.

If you plan to make more than one pizza try and let your oven reheat for 10 minutes.

The post Scratch Made Pizza appeared first on Greg.Randall.
